Let’s go to the 租房子Mallhttp://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/33452448/IssueID/2011酒店工作0611Let’s go to the Mall! 購物商場血拚,安啦! At the 西服checkout counter -- 結帳Clerk:Altogether, your total is $28.86. And your 膠原蛋白change is sixteen dollars and fourteen cents. Here you are.櫃員:全部加起房屋貸款來,你的總金額是 28.86 元。要找你16 元 14 分。給你。 Customer: I’m 裝潢sorry. I think you made a mistake. I gave you a fifty, and the total is 酒店兼職$28.86. So you should give me $21.14.顧客:不好意思。我覺得你弄錯了。我剛西服剛給你一張50 元,總金額是 28.86 元, 所以你應該找我21.14 元。 Clerk: Oh, 票貼you’re right. Here’s the other five. I’m so sorry about that.櫃員:喔,ARMANI你說得對。再找你五元。我很抱歉。 Customer: That’s OK. Don’t worry about it.

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